Sunday, December 17, 2017

new lyrics for an old pre-1975 vietnamese song by Pham Duy -- 2017 lyrics by DNN: TRA LAI ANH YEU TO SIR WITH LOVE

In the early 70s, South Vietnamese songwriter Pham Duy wrote TRA LAI EM YEU, the voice of a young South Vietnamese man who was drafted for war -- the words he left for his love before his departure for combat.

Although the Paris Peace Treaty was signed in 1972, the war escalated with offensive attacks from the North.  South Vietnamese people experienced the worst of warfare, and the men from both sides in combat went through hell. Body counts were horrendous.

Nixon had gone to China; Kissinger (and his counterpart in North Vietnam) each received the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, the country experienced more fightings and bloodshed than ever, I was told by former soldiers.

TRA LAI EM YEU by PHAM DUY was written in such climate.  It captured the heart of South Vietnamese college students -- my favorite song during my teenage days in Saigon. 

Forty years later, in America, i wrote the following lyrics for this same song, except that this time, it's my "TO SIR WITH LOVE" TRA LAI ANH YEU.  Definitely the voice of a Vietnamese woman.

I sang this a capella for my parents' friends Dec. 17 2017.  I asked them, "Who is SIR, in my libretto?" One woman said, immediately..."SIR IS XYZ...." She was right, but  I am withholding her answer.

I want you to sing TRA LAI ANH YEU WITH the following lyrics. And then you tell me, WHO IS SIR?


 Tra lai anh yeu
Tieng cuoi tuoi tre
Lau dai tinh yeu
Cua thoi nien thieu
Cuoc doi ngay tho
Khong con xanh nua
Tieng keu oan hon
Cua dan toi buon

Tra lai anh yeu
Van bai lich su
Cua doi gian nan
Con nguoi ta than
Duong dai toi di
Cho du thien ly
Phut xuoi tay nam
Viet ten Lac Hong   

Toi van yeu anh
Bang tình thần thánh
Anh mat trong xanh
Mong vang trung chinh
Duoi anh trang thanh
(Hay) mat troi tuoi sang
Toi se vinh danh
Tinh yeu huy hoang

Toi se yeu anh
Mot doi cho het
Trong trai tim son
Chang can ly thuyet
Toi se yeu anh
Tron doi khong nguoi
Toi da yeu anh
Tinh yeu tuyet voi

Tra lai anh yeu
Cau the hanh ngo
Khong nguoi tung ho
Chang can vu khi
Vi duong toi di
Cho du khong den   
Phut giay tuong phung
Van mo nghin trung

Tra lai anh yeu
Tra lai anh yeu
Moi tinh non nuoc……


Love and patriotism are the only two forces to which one must surrender. 
I dedicate this libretto to those few Vietnamese men whose love and country have become one, and to those few Vietnamese women who have the courage and ideals to love those few men, at the expense of their own womanhood. For those women, personal love and the culture/country have also become one. 
DNN copyrighted end of year 2017

Thai Thanh's version: Tra Lai Em Yeu, sung with full orchestra accompaniment, pre-1975:

my version, Tra Lai Anh Yeu, sung with one guitar in a living room, 2017:

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