Friday, October 16, 2020

youtube classes for first-year college-level lessons in bilingual literary translation beginning level: Vietnamese-English

My mother's death anniversary is next month, followed by my father's within 9 months, making 2021 my "ma~n tang" after 2 years of mourning in the Vietnamese culture. 

As I announced about 2 years ago, my father's textbook Dich Viet-Anh (designed for first- and second- year students of DHVK Saigon pre-1975), will be used for free youtube classes on literary translation, beginning level, Vietnamese-English.  The method is timeless.  The plan was delayed due to my parents' illnesses and deaths.  Now that I am through with two years of mourning, I will try to carry out the original plan as a tribute to my late father.  As you may know, my father selected passages from published work by Vietnamese authors, tracing the history of CHU QUOC NGU (from the time of Paulus Cua, Truong Vinh Ky,Nguyen Van Vinh, etc. to 1975 such as Mai Thao and Duyen Anh).  He then provided translations as the method to teach ESL to college  students whose first language is Vietnamese and English is their second learned language. Remember, this is translation of literary text, not drill passages for learning to speak or write. Each passage selected has a message for readers, characteristic of the Vietnamese culture and its values.  The purpose at hand is to translate meanings from Vietnamese to English, but the book can also be used by English speakers to learn Vietnamese at the advanced level.  

To the best of my knowledge, my father's textbook on literary translation served the  dire needs of many Vietnamese in the South during the transitional period of Doi Moi (I travelled to Vietnam as a lawyer for Mobil and Baker & McKenzie in the 1990s and personally observed this fact in former Saigon) (the book was reprinted and circulated without author's knowledge and consent all throughout the 1990s or even beyond; perhaps it's still being used today as a "black market" example -- I don't have access or means to ascertain). Of course this was, and still is, a violation of copyrights law. My father said that if his students from pre-1975 Saigon needed his work to survive economic competition, then we would look the other way, for the sake of users of the book, although someone was benefiting financially from the sale of his book and disregarded author's rights. 

Because the learning method is based on literary translation, the course should be taught by bilingual instructors well-versed in both languages.  As a public service, I will attempt to "youtube" a few lessons free of charge to any Vietnamese students and adults who can access youtube and do not have the financial means to afford private tutoring in English, as many are having now in Vietnam in order to get ahead in society.  If the results are appreciated, I will continue.  


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